goldn light shines on a long, winding road.
Guide to Retirement

Plan now for Retirement

If you’re like most of us, you probably believe that retirement planning is something that you start thinking about when the end of your career is in sight. Nothing could be further from the truth. The secret to a successful retirement is getting started early: it’s never too early to start planning and saving for your retirement. 

Get started by selecting a topic below

3. At Retirement

B. After You Announce Your Retirement

Once you announce your retirement, you’ll receive information from the organizations responsible for providing and managing your retirement benefits. Look for follow-up communications (mail and email) from the following organizations:

The Seattle Fire Department: Once you’ve notified the department of your intent to retire and provided them with the date of your last shift, you’ll receive the department’s Separation Packet. The packet contains:

  • An information sheet with next steps and key contacts
  • Revocation of Computer Privileges upon Separation of Employment Form
  • Return of Equipment Form
  • Helmet(s) Receipt
  • City of Seattle Voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) Leave Conversion Authorization Form
  • Ethics Considerations When Separating from City Service information sheet

The packet tells you how to return your equipment, close out your department computer privileges, cash out your unused vacation and merit leave balances, and take advantage of other retirement benefits the city offers.

  • Notify the city at least two weeks before your separation date if you want to receive your vacation and/or compensatory time (merit) cash-out directly or place it into your Deferred Compensation account. Use the DCP Leave Conversion Authorization form in the information packet to notify the city about how you want your cash-out funds handled.

    The City of Seattle Voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan (VDCP)  receives notification about six weeks after your retirement. Once they’ve received your retirement notification, you can contact our plan representative, Susan Wilson, at 206-447-1924 for help withdrawing or rolling over the money in the plan.
  • Contact the department’s Support Services Warehouse at 206-386-1531 before your last day to schedule an appointment to return your equipment.

The Seattle Fire Fighters HealthCare Trust (SFFHCT): At the beginning of your last month of active service, the SFFHCT will provide you with the information on the following:

  • New Retiree Welcome Letter
  • COBRA Rights notice (if under 65)
  • COBRA Election notice (if under 65)
  • Premium payment forms
    • Checking or Savings Account Withdrawal Form
    • WA State Department of Retiree Systems (DRS) Pension Withdrawal Form

If eligible, you will receive a separate packet with information on the following:

  • Retirement Security Fund (RSF) FAQ
  • Retirement Security Fund Guide
  • Retirement Security Fund Eligible Expenses 

The Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan (MERP): When the MERP administrator is notified of a separation by the department, they will send a packet within 14 days. The packet will provide you with information on the following:

  • For those eligible for the monthly lifetime benefit:
    • Benefit Election Form
    • MERP COBRA notice
    • Claim form
    • Direct deposit form
  • For those who do not get a monthly lifetime benefit (less than five years of contributions)
    • Separation letter
    • COBRA Form
    • Claim Form

The WA Department of Retirement Systems (DRS): You’ll receive an acknowledgment letter after you notify the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) that you plan to retire. The letter summarizes the options you picked when you notified the DRS that you were retiring. Review it carefully to ensure that it’s accurate. The letter also tells you which forms you must complete for DRS to process your retirement application.

If you applied online, you won’t receive this letter in the mail. Instead, review the last page of your application and the emailed receipt to verify your retirement options and see whether additional documentation is needed.

The City of Seattle Voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan (VDCP): You won’t receive any documents from the VCDP when you retire, but you’re encouraged to contact Susan Wilson, a local agent of the plan administrator focused on supporting participants in the city’s Voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan. Susan will help you understand how to best use the funds you’ve accumulated in the plan. Susan’s contact information is:

Susan Wilson
Office Phone: 206-447-1924
Mobile Phone: 206-399-8367