Your Trust.
Your Benefits.
Welcome Seattle Fire Fighters and Family! You’re part of a Trust that works to improve and expand Fire Fighter-specific healthcare and other benefits to meet the needs of members in our unique profession.
Log In to access all your benefits.
What can we help you find?
Take Charge…
Listen Up L27 Podcast
Short podcast episodes featuring topics on health and benefits. Listen through your favorite channel. Now on Spotify, Apple Podcast and Google Play.

Keeping Seattle Fire Fighters and their Families Healthy

Improve Your Sleep
Not getting enough sleep? Learn more about strategies for improving sleep.

Peer Support
Mental health support for fire fighters facing intense stress and trauma, regardless of rank.

Retirement Security Fund
Making your retirement more financially feasible by lowering your retirement medical costs.
Spouse/Partner Signup
Stay up-to-date with news and events from the Seattle Fire Fighters HealthCare Trust