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J. Military Healthcare Benefits
Military service members, reservists, dependents, and some retirees are eligible for Tricare, a government-managed health insurance program.
When you retire from active duty, you are eligible to purchase Tricare Prime, Select, or the US Family Health Plan. Once you reach age 65, you are no longer eligible for these programs. You can then purchase Medicare and Tricare for Life.
If you retire from the Reserves or National Guard, you can purchase Tricare for Reserve & Guard until age 60. At that time, you can purchase either Tricare Prime or Select. At age 65, you are no longer eligible for these programs. You can then purchase Medicare and Tricare for Life.
Tricare Prime
Tricare Prime is a managed healthcare service program for service members, reservists, dependents, and some retirees. Retirees and their families can purchase Tricare Prime Coverage. Unlike active-duty members, they must pay an annual enrollment fee and copays for treatment. See the Tricare Prime Coverage Details page on the Tricare site for more information.
Tricare Select
Tricare Select is a fee-for-service insurance plan that lets you see any doctor. This plan is available to family members, veterans, and retirees. Retirees must pay a deductible amount of $150 per individual (no more than $300 per family). See the Tricare Select Coverage Details page on the Tricare site for more information.
US Family Health Plan
The US Family Health Plan began as part of the US Public Health Service hospital program. It was made available to military members in 1993. The US Family Health Plan is available in 16 states (including the Puget Sound area in Washington) and the District of Columbia. The program offers several benefits that Tricare does not, such as free vision exams and discounts on glasses, contact lenses, and laser surgery; discounts for health clubs and gyms; alternative health care; and more. Retirees and their families can purchase coverage under the US Family Health Plan. Unlike active-duty members, they must pay an annual enrollment fee and copays for treatment. See the US Family Health Plan page on the Tricare site for more information.
Tricare for Reserve & Guard
Tricare offers many insurance benefits to members of the Reserves and National Guard (also known collectively as the Reserve Component or RC). Some benefits are the same as those offered to Active-Duty members, while others differ. Retired Guard or Reservists and their family members can purchase Tricare Retired Reserve until they reach age 60, there is an enrollment fee and copays for treatment. See the Tricare for Reserve & Guard information page on the Tricare site for more information.
Tricare For Life (also called Tricare for Retirees)
Retirees over age 65 can purchase Tricare for Life. For those living in the US, Tricare For Life is a Medicare supplement. Medicare does not provide coverage outside the United States or U.S. territories. Therefore, Tricare For Life is your primary payer for health care received in all other overseas locations. See the Tricare for Life information page on the Tricare site for more information.
Medicare is health insurance for people 65 years of age and older, some people with disabilities under age 65, and people with end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant). See the Medicare page on the Tricare site for more information.