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16-Data-Driven Wellness: A Journey to Happiness and Optimal Health

Listen Up L27 PA Laura Wenzich
Listen Up L27 Podcast
16-Data-Driven Wellness: A Journey to Happiness and Optimal Health

Searching for Happiness and Connection

Did you know social connection is associated with lowering anxiety, depression, or severe mental illness and a lowered risk of heart disease?

Join us as we talk to PA Laura Wendzich from Station 2 Clinic and her take on the intersection of happiness and health. She’s armed with lots of data, research and ways to unlock more happiness. We’ll also touch on hobbies, gratitude, kindness, reducing loneliness and creating social connections that can affect our heart health for good.

Check out the links below from Laura:

Coursera Free Classes:

Goal Setting: 

WOOP: Wish Outcome Obstacle Plan

WOOP is a five-minute mental restructuring that you can use to tackle any problem. It stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacles, Plan. Wish: You decide exactly what it is you want, the more precise the better. Outcome: Take a minute to live in the anticipated reality of what exactly it will look and feel like if your wish comes true. Obstacles: After the positive visualization, identify what inner obstacles may hold you back from fulfilling your wish Plan: Finally, create a plan for what can be done to overcome your obstacles.

 If this obstacle gets in your way, then how will you overcome it? Woopmylife.org


Social relationships and health

Dr. Sheldon Cohen, a psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh

Prosocial Spending and Happiness: Using Money to Benefit Others Pays Off

Dunn, Elizabeth W., Lara B. Aknin, and Michael I. Norton, Harvard Library

Mistakenly Seeking Solitude

Nicholas EpleyUniversity of Chicago; Juliana Schroeder, University of California, Berkeley