Sleep Deprivation and Nutrition
Dr. Marcie Hamrick, and PA Laura Wendzich talk about eating better to avoid some of the potential risks for heart disease and cancer.
- Eat as many whole foods as possible.
- Look for ingredients you can pronounce. Processed foods can increase inflammation and risks for heart disease.
- Cap your alcohol intake.
- Decrease red meats like beef and pork. (50 grams of red meat has been shown to increase Cardiovalsular disease risk by 9 %.
- Work together as a group to decrease your red meat intake.
- Serving of fruits and vegetables, are protective, and can lower your risks of heart disease.
- Eat a rainbow of colored fruits and aim for 5 servings a day of fruits and vegetables.
- Watch the way your cook foods over a grill and don’t char your foods. It can produce carcinogenic chemicals similar to the ones you’re already exposed to during fires. Lower the flames on your grill.