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08-Nutrition-Eat well, feel better

Listen Up L27 Dr. Marcie Hamrick and PA Laura Wendzich
Listen Up L27 Podcast
08-Nutrition-Eat well, feel better

Sleep Deprivation and Nutrition

Dr. Marcie Hamrick, and PA Laura Wendzich talk about eating better to avoid some of the potential risks for heart disease and cancer.


  • Eat as many whole foods as possible.
  • Look for ingredients you can pronounce. Processed foods can increase inflammation and risks for heart disease.
  • Cap your alcohol intake.
  • Decrease red meats like beef and pork. (50 grams of red meat has been shown to increase Cardiovalsular disease risk by 9 %.
  • Work together as a group to decrease your red meat intake.
  • Serving of fruits and vegetables, are protective, and can lower your risks of heart disease.
  • Eat a rainbow of colored fruits and aim for 5 servings a day of fruits and vegetables.
  • Watch the way your cook foods over a grill and don’t char your foods. It can produce carcinogenic chemicals similar to the ones you’re already exposed to during fires. Lower the flames on your grill.