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E. Employability Assessments
Some fire fighters have injuries that make it impossible to return to work with the department or City. In these cases, the City may refer you to a vocational counselor for an employability assessment. The counselor will evaluate your skills and abilities.
The City uses this assessment to determine whether:
- You are employable in your area’s job market and not eligible for further vocational services,
-OR- - You are eligible for further vocational services. A vocational counselor then will develop a vocational plan with the goal of helping you become employable,
-OR- - You are not able to work and are not eligible for further vocational services.
- You may be found employable in or be retrained in an occupation that pays less than what you made when you were injured. Your time-loss payments cannot continue if you are employable (unless you are participating in a vocational plan). L&I’s Self-Insurance Section will approve or disapprove your employer’s decision about your employability.