Ben Mellon
As Local 27 members, we enjoy many shared experiences in service to the public, as well as shared benefits that come with being represented by Local 27.
Local 27 leaders began setting the stage for us to manage our own health care over 20 years ago. The decision to go out on our own was not without significant risk, but thanks to the vision of past leaders and the careful planning and execution of this effort, we now have significant influence over our health care (both during our careers and in retirement).
Many of the benefits we enjoy today (paid occupational health screening, retirement medical, financial assistance, etc.) would not be possible without the collaborative efforts of Local 27 and your HealthCare Trust.
I am glad to do my part to help continue the legacy of member focused health and wellness programs. I encourage all members to consider volunteering for the Trust (or some other Local 27 committee). Collective and voluntary effort to improve benefits for us and our families both now and retirement rest in the hands of members who are willing to donate their time for our common benefit.